”Sävelet tekevät tekstin eläväksi”: paaston ja pääsiäisajan liturginen kuoromusiikki sanoman kannattelija
Evankelisluterilainen kirkko, jumalanpalvelus, kirkkomusiikki, liturginen musiikki, liturgiaAbstrakti
Hanna Remes’s artistic doctoral degree, which focuses on choral church music in worship, is the first of its kind in Finland. The demonstration of proficiency carried out 2016–2020 comprises two masses, a worship service, a passion drama and an Easter concert. She elucidates changes in guidelines for the liturgical use of the choir according to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland’s 2000 church manual from those of the 1968 church manual. The dissertation stands at the junction of liturgy and the history of church music. Remes compares and analyses the liturgical role of the choir in the Church of Finland as stated in the latest church manuals and supplementary materials and explains the guiding principles of the manuals’ preparation.